The Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Boomershine is Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Christianity and Communications at United Theological Seminary. Dr. Boomershine is the founder of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International and The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media research group in the Society of Biblical Literature. His scholarship has been a primary source for the development of Performance Criticism as a new paradigm for the study and interpretation of the Bible.
Tom is the author of the recently published book, The Messiah of Peace: A Performance Criticism Commentary on Mark’s Passion-Resurrection Narrative as well as Story Journey: An Introduction to the Gospel as Storytelling and a series of scholarly and pastoral articles on the Bible as performance literature and the media history of biblical interpretation. He also served as the Chief Consultant for the American Bible Society’s Multimedia Translations Project and was co-producer for the award winning video, “Out of the Tombs.” He is a lifelong church musician and currently serves as organist at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio.